


 以倫敦交易所的現貨價交易,共100 頓ton ,5% 價差回饋

NFT 蘇芬妮斯芭 Sofonisba (Lee Chao-Ling) 9 for sale



  Today’s listing is located  the BEPPU area.  ( OITA )         Please check the details below.     Nam e : PAREDOR BEPPU 2 (  パレドール別府2 )                       Price: 4,200,000 Yen  ≒  26,700 USD   Size: 32.59 sqm  ≒  351 sqf   →  76 usd/sqf         Address:  別府市駅前本町6 − 27 Google map : https://maps.app.goo.gl/ KX6teRHZjKx9um2Y9          Access: 4 min walk to BEPPU station  ( 別府)          Structure: Reinforced Concrete Land Rights: Freehold Number of total units: 51 No.of Floor: 11F Unit Floor: 9F Unit Number: #9xx Built Year: Aug1991 Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 8,510 yen/month Type of unit: 1DK Size: 32.59 sqm  Balcony: Need to Confirm F acing: Need to Confirm Occupancy: Tenanted Rent: 43,000 yen Other:  Elevator, Space for Washing Machine in the room, Separated the bathroom and toilet           (Detail of lease contract)     Need to confirm          (Calculation table) In the calculation table, you can see the rough total cost of purchasing a property and what kind of expense



內湖區大樓出售案。 基地面積:1261.50坪

內湖區大樓出售案。 基地面積:1261.50坪 地下3層/地上8層.9F可附設招待所 地上樓地板面積:5304.76坪,地下共三層樓:1974.99坪 每層有4部電梯! 大車位146個 售價:38億 基地位置:台北市內湖區新湖二路一號/堤頂大道三角窗!                   使用分區:科技工業區D                 適用于企業總部&科技大樓。 有錢人先買下來,分層出租,1F3仟元/坪,2~7F,2仟元/坪,8F管理中心,9F招待所;地下室停車位3仟~3仟5佰元/個。  


