

Today’s listing is located the OITA city.

Vacant > you can use for your stay!

Please check the details below.


豊国スカイマンション大分 )





Price: 1,900,000 Yen  12,400 USD


Size: 19.04 sqm  204 sqf


 61 usd/sqf


Address: 大分市原新町18


Google maphttps://maps.app.goo.gl/VRQ8Mwxx8sGcCuw6A



Access: 12 min walk to TAKAJO station  (高城)






Structure: Steel Reinforced Concrete

Land Rights: Freehold

Number of total units: 79

No.of Floor: 11F

Unit Floor: 6F

Unit Number: #6xx

Built Year: Feb1990

Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 6,000 yen/month

Type of unit: 1R

Size: 19.04 sqm 

Balcony: 3.22 sqm

Facing: South

Occupancy: Vacant > you can use for your stay!

Other: Elevator




Need to confirm 





(Calculation table)

In the calculation table, you can see the rough total cost of purchasing a property and what kind of expense you need to pay for every month.

I mentioned about our property management in the calculation table. It is 5% of rent and included rent collection, basic tax handling, complaints handling.






About cancellation (Withdrawal) practice in Japan.

In Japan, after you make an offer, and offer gets accepted, we real estate notary proceeds for the investigation, and this takes approx 2weeks.

If there is some dirty record (suicide, accident) then we will let you know during the investigation, so you have a chance and right to walk away.

Please DO NOT withdraw the transaction with reason of “changing mind”, “better investment found” etc…

We understand that it is "before the contract” so you have a right to walk away, but investigation is started at that point, (the seller’s agent already paying and spending for the contract.)  that is why "cancellation" after making an offer is forbidden action among the agent in Japan. 

Often those companies which frequently cancels the transaction, cannot make a deal with that particular company, so we will not be able to provide a good property info.

We understand it is very different practice from overseas

Please have a good thought before you make an offer!



日本房地產廣告民宿:京都 Kyoto 中央高地101/302 室長租(近京都車站)

京都中央ハイツ101/302 スタジオB&B 長期レンタル注文(Kyoto Central Highlands 101 Studio B&B long-term rental order 101室 (2床棉被) 室地址:〒600-8841 Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, Sujakushokaicho, 42−15 中央高地 101 租用民室 302室 (2床棉被) 租用民室

2024 年度下期「WEST EXPRESS 銀河」 山陽コース初の夜行運行決定!


日本 JR PASS關西地區廣域鐵路周遊券\eMCO 電子票 五日期 代購

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